Tuesday 23 August 2011

First post

This is my first blog and my first post. Decided to start posting and sharing my thoughts for a couple reasons, but lets start from the beginning.

Who am I? As everyone, I`m many things. Currently I`m still a Computer Science student (MSc), already have two BSc diplomas (Informatics and Computer Science) and a Technical degree (Electronics).
In my free time I play games, as well as try to program some of my own. So far I`ve released some small utilities on iPhone and made a couple simple games for my courses, but a full-featured game is on the works.
I`m a gamer. I`ve been a gamer as long as I remember. My first gaming system was an old Atari (XL series?) running on audio tapes. It was so long ago that I can barely remember anything about it. After that - a PC running Norton Commander, eventually even Windows 3.11. Years followed, so did the systems. Been through most of the Windows system line-up, and also tried some PlayStation 1, GameBoy and other systems. Currently I`m playing games on my Vostro 1700 laptop, iPhone 3GS, PlayStation Portable, Wii and currently-dead PlayStation 3.

What type of gamer am I? Well, that gets complicated. I definitely consider myself a PC gamer, since I play a lot of games on my laptop. I do everything on it, so it's only natural. At the same time, I don't mind playing games on different systems, so I can also be called a console and hand-held gamer.
After that, things are getting more complicated. I can be considered a hardcore gamer, as I spend a lot of time playing. On the other hand, I don't tend to spend too much time on a game once its novelty wears off. I like finishing games, as well as playing them competitively online, but the latter gets boring for me a lot quicker.
I enjoy playing some old games, trying to experience the cult classics I might have missed. I suppose that can make me a retro gamer. At the same time I don't hold them in much of a special esteem.

What games do I enjoy? Most of them, to be honest. Be it casual, indie, or AAA. But what those games must have for me is something novel or fun. Be it interesting gameplay, story, aesthetics or anything else.

What do I want to write about? Judging by the focus of this post, games. Games that I enjoyed, especially if many of you might not have heard of them. Other than that, probably other things I find interesting, be it movies or anything else really.

I hope my future posts will be at least interesting, if not informative to someone.


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